Sunday 26 June 2011

Bargar it we're going to Agnes

Well Bargara wasn't bad for a little rest, had lots of room and nice trees in the caravan park, a skate park where the boys sustained a few injuries (Arch elbow and Nadan Face), a turtle hatchery, a good golf course that we hooned around dodging the field, and some tennis courts for a hit.  Full of grey nomads though and birds that attack the side mirrors on your car, and it was quite cool, although sunny.  The boys got their hair cut, just a little bit, and I burnt the shizen out of the chicken kievs.  But this leads me to the question "what makes the ultimate caravan park?" as there have been no perfect ones, they have all had good and bad points.  So later on in the blog we will discuss the pros and cons and endeavour to come up with caravan park nirvana.  In the meantime we broke all the records this morning and had packed up and left Bargara before 10am and were set up and eating lunch in Agnes by 1.30pm, and very glad to be here.  We are right on the beach again, and a beautiful little surf beach with a point break, very natural surroundings and a great feel (apparently like Noosa 20 years ago).  Arch had a surf this arvo, and Wooz and I climbed the trees that overhang the beach.  Then we had a nice ride to checkout Workmans Beach and watch a magic sunset from the headland.  Seems warmer here, water is nice, and I didn't burn the chicken tonight....badly.
Today (2nd day at Agnes) I woke up to Nadan needing to do a poo.  Couldn't open my eyes as we went to the toilet block but heard some good surf so came back grabbed my board and paddled out at the point for an all morning session.  Here is some footage of the Arch following in the Hall tradition of dropping in.
 Bit more footage of Arch
 Kirst and Arch riding together
 Woozman's technique
 The boys climbing the tree onto the beach
 A bit of the boys form at the skatepark
 Nathanial going for the park course record
 Bit more skatin

Hope you enjoyed a bit of video footage for a change.  So to finish this blog I want to discuss the ultimate caravan park.  It has: no stupid rules like no riding bikes, skateboards etc., it has a skatepark like Ballina; 2 tennis courts with lights like Jindabyne; our own nice ensuite, beach volleyball court and outside eating area like Emerald Beach; a pool and spa like Skenners; big grassy area and cafe overlooking the surf like Agnes; a little fun golf course, close to cool local shops and eateries and great surf like Crescent Head; big roomy flat powered sites that allow runoff and next to a National Park like Noosa; open fires and lots of native animals with sites right on the beach like Merry Beach; friendly and funny managers and great lighthouse like Seal Rocks; camp kitchen and outdoor shower like Byron; and no keys or codes or huge fences or boom gates or rude managers or heaps of grey army.  Aahhhhhhhhhhhh that's the way ahaaha I like it ahaaha.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Blogged on Fraser

Day 1 Fraser Island:
Just before we start the night before Wooz caught another bream
Up at 5.30am, leave on barge at 6.15,
 drop the tyre pressure to 27, cruise up the beach,
 stop at the Mahano wreck,
all the way to Champagne Pools (95km) arriving at 8am and just when all is going well get bogged going up to carpark (absolutely buried), 8.10 start digging, 8.30 a car roles up and drives past us then stops and pulls us out (bang) even though took 3 attempts,
Dropped tyre presuure to 18psi (much better).  9am see whales out at sea as walking down to pools, then get down there and have a swim and tried to catch fish with net,
 had brekky then headed off at 10.30, went to Waddy Point and climbed up sandblow (steep iz) and did a couple of runs down,
 and headed back to Indian Head at 12.30.  Saw goanna hugging a tree
 then climbed Indian Head and saw bronze whaler shark swimming around in the shore behind the photo.
 1.30pm took car past trees at Indian Head and then down to Eli Creek.  Floated down the creek a few times and boys jumped out of tree into swimming hole,

then left for barge about 3.30pm, saw dingo.  4.15pm Catch barge back and hit skatepark, boys doing big airs. 5.30pm showers then hit the pub for a massive feed then boys in bed at 8pm (still on fire).
Day 2 Fraser Island.
Up at 6am. Quick croissant for the boys for brekky, load up and head off arriving for 7am barge arse.
 We were the first car  to go across for the morning but they waited to get more cars and didn't get over til 7.30am.  Hooned off up the beach
 to Eurong (no youwrong, no youwrong) then into Central Station and some nice walks in the rainforest,
 bit of climbing trees

bit of swinging on vines and a bit of fighting with sticks.  Pretty cold in the forest first thing in morning, so headed off to Lake Mackenzie at about 10.30.  Sooo inviting for a swim so jumped in and swam around with the goggles having a look while the boys paddled around on the lilos.

 Arch swam over and I showed him a little turtle I found swimming around then we took him over to show the boys.  Then we all got pretty cold and played some games on the beach for a while (jumping through the ring) then went up to the feeding area that was fenced in.  Cooked some snags on our little barbee and had a big feed, then drove down to the Lake Wabby walk from the beach (saw our second dingo - tagged and collared with a tracking device) and did the 5km return walk at about 2.30.

 Great sandblow (love a good sandblow) down to the lake and the boys loved fighting each other and flying down to land in the water.  Big catfish swimming around in the water too, but we didn't see Wobby, so walked back to the car and drove back to barge.  Stopped at the Pinnacles.
 Saw a huge tuna jump out of the water too.  Cruised home and did the big car wash, underneath, over and in, and pumped back up the tyres.  Dora performed excellently on Fraser but took an absolute beating.  Wallaby Ted's brother tonight (Roo Ted) so early to bed then off to Bagara tomorrow.
Day 3 Post Fraser
Got up at 6 again to make sure we get packed up and off to our new destination early for once, but to no avail.  Strangely all these people in the caravan park wanted a chat, then we got coffees, then we washed the camper, then we stopped for lunch at a great woodfire pizza place just north of Childers (Max was a legend), so we arrived in Bagara at our usual 3pm time, got set up nicely (lots of space on a nice grassy site) while the boys had a skate and then Kirst realized she left her bag at Max's which added another 130km to the day! Back at 7.30 for some vegetarian fried rice and Arch thinks we are turning Japanese and then I find out a kid tried to get Nathanial to have a smoke at the skatepark.  What a day.

Sunday 19 June 2011

NaNoosa, NaNoosa, NaNoosa Yi Yi, AHHHH, NaNoosa, NaNoosa

Well we hit Australia Zoo for a big day and enjoyed breathing in what Steve Irwin was all about.  We thought the place definitely missed him but they are doing a great job of trying to keep the zoo in line with his style.  It was clean and the animals looked really healthy and happy and there was a new animal hospital in memory of Steve's mum Lynn for injured wildlife.
The elephant wants some food boys
Thanks Gazza
NaDan tried to feed the wombat to the crocs.
CrikeyWednesday saw us heading up to Eumundi (in your undies) market.  It was massive and had heaps of good stuff.  We bought a few t-shirts and some fancy hook protector things for fishing and Nadan bought a magic book.  The boys started doing the Collin on each other today which is gabbing the skin in the front of the neck which Collin our old nextdoor neighbour had heaps of.  On the way back we stopped for an icecream on Gympie Terrace and bought a new fishing rod and net (the other one had seized up- need to wash it) and then dropped into Noosa Longboards and met Parrish Watts, a legend bloke who ran the store, bought a surf game off him, he gave the boys some stickers, and we checked out his belly board and toothpick and had a few laughs.
  Then we did the loop around the National Park checking out Alexandria Bay and Hells Gates and then walking back along the coast as the sun was setting and the full moon was coming up.

Finishing off with a swim and a beautiful dinner at the surf club.  From the time we stepped into the National Park til we got the boys into bed they were running on jet fuel, absolutely ballistic.  I think they love Noosa too.  NaNoosa, NaNoosa.....

As usual we arrived late in Rainbow Beach, in fact just in time, after 5pm they don't let you in because they put you on your site with a little tractor. We had got caught in Noosa trying to get the computer fixed again and they had it all arvo (computer says no) so we had a nice lunch at Gympie Terrace at a cafe where the owner was Israeli and he sat with us afterwards and told us about when he faught in the war (bit scary) and we met his niece who was out for 7months and had been in the army for 2 years.  She suggested we take our camper to Israel- well you never know!  But no stress we set up with the boys help (best help on tour so far) then had soup and toasties for dinner.  Our camper overlooks Rainbow Beach by a road that the boys can skate on and the skatepark is just down the road where the boys have done some serious time over the last couple of days.  Paul and Karen are next to us again (from Noosa) and we have had a fun couple of days with them.  We went hoonin down the Carlo Sandblow then walked along Rainbow Beach and collected the colored sands in a bottle.
Then today we drove to the Bymien Picnic Area and walked to Poona lake and back with the boys doing Tarzan swings on a huge vine.
Then we 4wd down to the Freshwater Lake and onto the beach and down to Double Island Point where we sat on the rocks and ate lunch and watched a guy go over the falls and snap his board.  Surf was pretty crappy so we walked up to the lighthouse and checked out the awesome views and another big pod of dolphins.  We then did the scary drive down Leisha Track and onto Rainbow Beach for the bumpy and slippery drive back to the campsite, but we made it past the rocks EASY- no need to panic George.

Paul shouted the crew icecreams and the challenged them at darts while I drove all the way back to Noosa to pick up the computer which had to have it's slate wiped clean but Yens did a great job and didn't charge too much and we are officially operational with skype now yyyeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh.   And I made it back by 7 for a beautiful butterfly lamb cooked by the gorgeous Kirst with no help from the boys.  Stop it.  I just can't get enough of NaNoosa, NaNoosa....  though 3 hour return trip because computer says no wasn't that much fun.  Head off to Fraser Island next.

Monday 13 June 2011

Livin The Dream There NaDan

We are back.  I know what you are thinking- "it has been 3 weeks, they don't care about us anymore, it's cold and wet down here and those bastards can't even keep us in the loop with livin the dream".  Well it is not about you so get over it, and we have been livin the dream, the boys have even taken off the KFC ad. and tell NaDan every second "livin the dream there NaDan".  We have been in Noosa since late Friday and having never been here before it is as beautiful as everyone says it is.  We had a great week on the Goldy but were very happy to leave the apartment and get back to our simple camper life.  It was also good to get the internet back up and running after a stuff up over how the bill was being paid, me not having my account info, and Telstra not being able to find it.  So after not worrying about it for a while then spending 3 hours on the telephone we are back on line.  You can't travel without some issues popping up and they continued as we left the Goldy, dropped into Officeworks to get a webcam that will work on the computer (still not working), then the car wouldn't start.  Lucky to be parked next to a car yard and just down the road from a battery place which was all replaced in no time and $200 later.  Then when we finally got to Noosa after finishing the second Harry Potter audio book and onto the second Percy Jackson, set up by about 4.30pm (it doesn't matter how early we leave we always arrive late) and found none of the lights worked.  We only knew of one set of fuses and none of them had gone, so after some serious deliberation and research found another 2 fuses on the caravan battery and one of them had gone (what doesn't kill you makes you stronger).  So to backtrack to just after the last blog, we basically had 3 days of rain at Byron before Nanny and Poppy, Shaz and Jase and Mavi (she is now officially Mavi instead of Maeve) arrived.  Gaz and the boys took the car down to welcome them at Ballina airport and when there seemed to be no taxis, piled all the luggage, 5 adults and 4 kids into the Exploder and headed back to Byron (just like the old pub runs).  Shaz had rented a great house with a big backyard and the sun came out to greet them.
We have had generally good weather ever since with only 1 day being cold which was apparently the coldest Queensland day in 100 years (14deg) but the indoor pool at the apartment was still nice and warm!  The night before the others arrived we decided to go to the Sushi Train for dinner which had sensational food to choose from.  It was hilarious with the boys noting how much was the cost of each different colored plate and adding up how much their dinner was costing.  NaDan was just grabbing whatever, taking a bite and saying "I don't like that" and Kirst was worrying about the cost and yelling at him.  But the rest of us cleaned up the leftovers and it only cost $100 for a quality family feed.  Well that was the start of 2 weeks of gluttony.  Jase was keen for a beer when they arrived and we had Chinese takeaway the next night, followed by a big brekkie the next morning at the cafe next to the park, followed by more beers and a big barbee cookup etc. etc.  Kirst also cooked up a ripper risotto for everyone and Shaz and Jase took me and Kirst out for a special night of fine dining while Nanny and Poppy looked after the crew.  This continued as we hit the Goldy theme parks until Kirst finally drew a line in the sand and started making lunch.  Thank God for that, I think I was turning into a chip.  Jamie Oliver would have been horrified with our eating.
So some of the highlights were: ofcourse spending lots of time with Mavi (she always wanted to know where the frogs were until Daddy's frog jumped on her face);

Arch and I surfed the Pass a couple of evenings til complete dark (so dark a guy ran over me on a surf mat) and the sky was amazing ( I actually lost Arch in the dark and ran around the beach trying to find him for a while); we loved surfing and walking around Broken Head (it is still pristine and has an awesome barrel off the point); we played golf for Jase's b'day and Wooz drove the cart over a couple of tree stumps then Jase broke the record in monopoly deal after a big spag feed up; we hit the skatepark at Suffolks and Kirst me and NaDan played tennis while Arch and Wooz carved up the skatepark til dark; there were always dolphins out in the water playing; Wooz bought a Quicky backpack off Danny Wills in his shop; the girls all had special treatments at Gaia Health Resort while we went to skate at Lennox Head then bought heaps of stuff at the market incl. Nadan's amazing bubble wand; the flying fox at the Macadamia Castle;

me, Dad and Jase had massages off Lucy at the house and I got a 2 hour one (felt brand new after that one); Kirst and Wooz surfing at The Pass while NaDan was screaming at them to come in cause he was cold;
NaDan lowlying
View over Byron

and we took a trip up the Goldy for a day with Nanny and Poppy and the boys joined in a skateboard learning session and a skate jam at the Nerang skatepark followed by lunch at the Currumbin RSL.
Overall it was a massive 2 weeks in Byron and then we followed it up with more of the high life staying in the highrises (Wooz called them highliners) at The Goldy.  Unfortunately Nanny and Poppy's apartment is a residential one that is filled with a bunch of stiffs that don't want you to even wipe your arse while you are staying there.  We got into trouble for everything- airing out the camper in the visitors carpark, having lilos in the lagoon pool,
making too much noise in the unit, water dripping off the balcony, Haysie staying too long in the visitor carpark, diving in the pool and, and... (luckily they didn't catch NaDan firing his spinner off the 10th floor balcony).  But that didn't stop us enjoying ourselves and the boys really improved their swimming while we were there.
Michelle, Wendy and the kids met us at Seaworld after getting off a plane at Coolongatta then Michelle and the kids came up again on the Saturday and the crew had a ball in the pool and having races on the beach.
We smashed the 3 theme parks with lots of rollercoaster rides and big waterslides and Arch made the big screen in the stunt show at Movie World.  Wooz and NaDan had a ball in Buchaneer Bay at Wet n Wild and Wooz belted the strongman test at Sea World to win a big orange puffer fish with NaDan not far behind winning an orange lizard.

NaDan havin a fair suck on the sauce bottle before the seal show
The Young Guns
The boys on the ropes
Kirst winnin the race
The Podium
Take Off
Wooz the road runner
The boys on the log ride
I'm shot

  We watched movies every night and had some big swell come in and I finally got to surf Burleigh on a big day.  Wooz noticed on the telescope that ZOOM was WOOZ upside down, which sorta suits him, and when we rode out to the spit a guy pulled up next to us and did a big slag on the ground, so we saw a guy spit at the spit.
The Spit Ride
We had the best fish n chips on tour at the seafood market near SeaWorld and had a great day trip to North Straddie which has great surf and we saw turtles and more dolphins and Kirst reckoned she saw a whale, which noone else saw, so then Arch said he spotted a mermaid and I saw a sea cucumber!
See the whale?After arriving at Noosa on a beautiful day, and riding down to main beach to see the beautiful sunset and the cool sand castle with candles in it, then having greasies (second best fish n chips on tour) on the way back, riding in the dark (like we did quite a bit a Byron riding back along the trail to the caravan park behind the house) we slept in the next morning and then the rain came in and didn't stop til the next morning.  We still walked in the rain around the heads to suss out the surf then we went to the fishing shop to suss out, yep you guessed it, the fishing.  The guy told us a secret spot and gave us all the good gear and bait.  So the next day Arch and I had a great surf out at Granite Bay on the low tide followed by the best icecreams on tour at the gelatissimo in Hastings Street followed by a fishing session where Wooz caught a great bream in about 30secs then Kirst caught another and I had a massive bite (it was probably a shark) and he got away.

We did a Rexy and let the other little biters go then went out with Paul and Beachedes for the best burgers on tour so far to top off a magical day.  That was followed by surfing TeaTrees most of the day today and me getting a ride from the outside point to the beach and Arch catching some good ones before having his board nearly sliced in 2 from the fin of a mal, it is still ridable but needs some repairs.
Boys at Tea Trees
Wooz and I caught a big crab too Child style by letting him nip our finger.  We also ran into a guy in the carpark who we surfed with yesterday and asked him how he went as we were trying to get a carpark with a thousand other people, and he said he was leaving, they were just waiting on The Child (how bazaar we thought The Child was still in Melbourne).  We had a nice bike ride round the big loop from Noosaville to Noosa Heads and back round to Noosaville then had a beer on the river as the sunset.  It was a beautiful warm day and a "red sky at night which means what Woodley?" says Kirst regularly.  Off to Australia Zoo tomorrow to pay tribute to Big Stevo whom we first watched on tv on the occasional quiet night in London 12 years ago.  Livin the dream NaDan.