Thursday 20 October 2011

El Questro - the enigma

We had heard a lot of negative things about ELQ- run down, not kid friendly.  We also heard El Questro the name has no meaning, it was just made up (like every name originally).  Travellers said go to Home Valley it is much better.  Well I don't know where they went, maybe they got lost, because ELQ was amazing and Home Valley we lasted 1 night in.  We had the best 6 days at ELQ helped by the fact we were there with the Robos and they were in the mood to party.  With 6 boys running rampant- making fires each night, swinging on the rope over the river, catching cherubin, making dam walls, wrestling, stick fighting and throwing rocks; and 4 parents wanting to do all the tours, drink plenty of booze and do some exercise as well; that says it all.  But I will grant myself the opportunity to say more as El Questro and the Robos deserve it.  It was very hot which didn't lend so much to fires, which we had every night, and we were off power so no fans to go to sleep with, but the boys crashed every night without a whimper as the smell of smoke drifted in through the windows.

I think from hanging with the Robo boys and all the heat they were completely trashed at the end of the day.  In fact when the Robos left I think we all took a couple of days to recover.  The fridges definitely struggled in the heat and no power, with the waeco finally giving up and majorly reducing the space for beer.  When we first arrived we took a while to find the best camping spot and took a few sprinklers out along the way.  But we finally got set up side by side, with Pete going for the unconventional method, with a circus tent for an awning and a bit of slope in the floorplan.  We did lots of swimming in the river and the swimming hole with special mention to Kirst and Emma who actually went in the swimming hole against all their instincts.  The hammock got a good go but monopoly deal was a fizzer with complete anarchy.  All the parents made the final but decided they had better things to do.  We had great dinners with everyone having a go at cooking, even the Littlefords arrived and once again gave us a camping lesson cooking up Kirst's damper and making a cake for us.  The highlights of ELQ (apart from the lovely people and great service) were:
Zebedee Springs was nice and warm and a great spot to just relax.  It got crowded easily though unless you were here yesterday!

Emma Gorge where we did some good rock jumps and thought was amazingly beautiful with nice cool water and a warm spring to warm up in.  The walk in was burnt from a recent fire and the restaurant was closed for lunch so if we had been the week before it would have been even better!
The sun was setting as we drove back to camp and we stopped to say hi to a bustard.

  The helicopter trip to Mira Mira Falls with a gourmet lunch and swim was absolutely spectacular with the boys commentary in the back a real classic.  The pilot was in a bit of a hurry to go though as he had to do 3 trips to ferry us all back.  Apparently he was more relaxed last week he may have even done a helicopter dive!

 The Explosion Gorge tour was fun, learning about different trees and animals with Ranger Graeme and seeing a bower bird nest and its silver collection.  The 4wdriving was cool and the view from Broncos Lookout over a few beers was magic.  Apparently it was better the night before with Ranger Stewie though!  She gave us a great deal on some beers that were very expensive at the bar, even happy hour was only $2 off.  We did have entertainment though with Jo (whom we met at Kununurra) showing off her talent.  I really wanted to hear Brondon sing though.

 Hiring boats on the Chambo and Arch catching a massive catfish.  We only had 1 cherubin as bait and Arch and Wooz tossed a coin over it.  Arch hooked the massve 82cm fish and spent the next 5 minutes trying to reel it in.  I had to help him in the end and Arch netted it just as the hook fell out.  Apparently the day before we would have caught a barra!

We drove up to Saddleback Lookout which was fun and very scary for Kirst.  The sunset and view were beautiful but ofcourse have been better.

The last day we hiked El Questro Gorge.  7km return climbing over boulders, wading through water holes, and having an absolute blast.  It was quite challenging but all the boys nailed it, helping each other, and painting themselves with ochre to celebrate making it to the falls.  We stayed there a couple of hours, just lapping up the ambience, and doing some Hawaiin big wave training with rocks underwater.

 Then to finish off an incredible day and week we pigged out at the Steakhouse restaurant with MEDIUM steaks and lots of drinking.  Apparently the menu was better last week!
Well there's the rap.  Thanks Robos for a wonderful time.

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