Saturday 30 April 2011

The 3 Brothers Meet the 3 Sisters

As you can see the boys got quite intimate with the 3 sisters statues, but the rock formations were a little harder to come by.  The weather in Katoomba was pretty much non stop rain so the waterfalls were gushing but most of the time you could see nothing, so when there was a break in the cloud we rushed out there and embraced the beauty of the blue mountains.
 We went on the skyrail (in the background) which had a see through glass floor that was fogged up!
 The boys got to drive the cable car.
 But the boys favourite was definitely the railway, pretty vertical!
We did the walk down the 1000 steps and all the way around to the railway and Nathanial was on fire striding ahead with Arch and chatting to the walkers we passed that were doing the 100km wild endurance event.  Nathanial thought it was hilarious that one guy was saying he had forgotten his sandwich.  It starting raining and we had to walk through all the mud so we were happy to make it to the station.
We also got down to Jenolan Caves and did the Lucas Cave with Mr Squiggle below.
Kirst looks like she broke the Broken Column with her head.
Big E also wacked his head on Concussion Rock but had his cowboy hat on for protection. It was a tight squeeze through there.
 Arch enjoyed standing under the Great Arch.
And the other highlights were the boys entertaining us in the Rainforest Room.
The boys were meddling with their hairstyles.
And lots of piggy backing even in dangerous and as bear Grylls says "slippy" conditions.
Well we are off to Seal Rocks tomorrow to hopefully dry our stuff out and get wet again in the ocean.

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Jervis Bay OK

Easter funday saw us having the smallest easter egg hunt in history in our camper kitchen, followed by brekky (eggs and bacon) at the smallest dining table in the world.

We then squeezed around the couch to watch the Bells finals in awesome surf and weather.  Got us all fired up tp surf Caves beach in the national park and Kirst, Wooz and Arch tore it up it in small onshore conditions.  This caravan park hasn't rated too highly- there are only 2 showers and 2 toilets here so the toilet seat is always warm and the smell is fairly strong, it is surrounded by a fence so we feel like inmates and we have a hole underneath our annex which fills with water when it rains, and we have had 2 nights of downpours.

Also there was a small earthquake in the camper registering 6.9 on the richter scale last night with plenty of aftershocks too which was not reported in the news but Kirst and I definitely felt it. We did a walk down to Steamers beach in the NP and made a face in the sand with a huge shipping rope on the sand, then did piggy backs on the way back- Flanny carried Wooz, Arch carried me, and we all tried to carry Kirst but she is too fat and heavy because she doesn't get out of bed. 

Our last day in Jervis Bay was today celebrating my birthday. 

E wanted me to enjoy it so he beat me at golf and chess and then we hit the pub for dinner where I got E back by getting him pissed and filling him with oysters (lookout Joanie) and he tried to climb the spider web in the park with the boys on the way home.  It was a very funny walk back to the camper with lots of sarcastic banter with the boys and Gma and Pa.  Yesterday we went into Culburra to find some surf but it was flat so after we stopped being angry at each other we went to Nowra to buy out the surf shop for my birthday (thanks Nanny and Poppy you see my new clothes in the photo), and the boys made an awesome birthday card. 

Tomorrow we are off to Katoomba.  Look out the 3 sisters the 3 brothers are coming.

Saturday 23 April 2011

Easter Splaturday

Rained all night, kept dry in the camper, but woke up to Jervis Bay in our annex.  The boys had a stoush on the couch, then Flanny went with Grandma and Pa to the parade and bought a sword necklace (he won the wishbone the night before and wished he could beat his brothers up) and the rest of us hit Caves Beach for some waves.  Little bit onshore but holding up well and very clean 4-5 out the back.  Arch caught a good one, Kirst boogied and Wooz tore it up on his yellow phat phish (thanks Sim).  Kirst smashed her toe on the rocks just to see how much pain she can take.  Then we came back for some rolls and boston and took Flanny down the carnival again so he could spend all his money because he would get change and end up with more money then he started with!  The boys got $10 from Gma and Pa and Wooz bought a black volcom hat and Arch saved it for ron.  Watched the Bells quarters on the net then smashed down dinner and watched the ffffantastic fffffireworks on the beach and the boys got fluoro light sabers.  Came home for some bananagrams and coffees then bed.  No photos today damnit, but will try and get a shot of the easter bunny when he sneaks in the camper tonight.  Will put Wilson out on watch.  Happy Easter everyone.

Friday 22 April 2011

Merry Easter from Merry Beach and Seeing Huskies in Huski

Just arrived in Huskisson (above-obviously happy to be here), Jervis Bay, today and set up our camper (haven't we done that before?) and got back online with phones and computer.  I think we are doing a good job now of setting up and packing up but it still takes at least an hour and we always forget at least one thing! Anyway the bay here is gorgeous (saw a few dolphins swimming around) and tomorrow we are going for an early surf down to Blackrock, the home of Ausssie Pipe, and then coming back for the Easter carnival in Huski.  We went for a bike ride tonight, Arch is on his new bike he bought with his birthday money in Batemans Bay yesterday, saw a lady walking 2 huskies in Huski, and tried roasting 2 chooks in our gasmate barbee which worked a treat and along with Joan's roast vegies we decided that was our best meal on tour so far. 
We are not actually in Merry Beach for Easter but our last 4 days there have made us very merry.  Merry Beach was sensational with a beach front camping site-

Nice little window view from the annex.  Merry Beach had amazing wildlife- kangaroos, every type of bird, bats, lizards and great snorkelling, had fun waves, warm water, we had campfires at night, and great scenic walks.

We also had a bike ride which was way too hard for the boys with continuous uphill sections and we didn't know where we were going, got 5 km in and I had to go back for the car.  I speared a fish for dinner but it was disgusting. We did photography lessons with Wooz and did some creative shots in the sand, and some quality shots of the handsome young Nathanial.  We hiked up Mt Durras from Pebbly beach completing our second summit in less then a week but it killed us because it was a lot longer then what we thought and there were no f*#&in views at the top. We all went sugar flat and sped to Batemans Bay in the car for pancakes and milkshakes OMG. Nathanial lost his scooter, but he did a great job of trying to sell Archer's old bike.  A log from the fire one night landed on Joan's leg, Wooz was trying to catch crabs and crushed his hand with a rock and E fell over walking down Mt Durras and hit his knee on a rock (Iron Man didn't flinch though).  E took a great shot of a sea eagle too above Pretty Beach, not a bad effort with one dodgey eye.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Last Day in Gingerbyne

Well actually it is Jindabyne but that's what the boys call it and Kirst sometimes.  The weather was finally sensational and we lapped it up with bacon and eggs on our miniature table and chairs and a game of skip bo.  Then we each chose a travelling device- scooter, skate board, roller blades or feet and took the path into town.  Surprisingly we didn't get any tennis in today cause Arch asks for a hit every 5 minutes but we did have a fish on the lake and caught 1 nice size brown trout while trawling on a tassie devil yellow and black lure (professional talk).  Wooz and Arch got to drive the boat and breathe in the carbon monoxide and Wooz and Ian (pronounced iron) Man got their lines so tangled it looked like one big dreadlock.  Nathanial chose not to fish but gave a running commentary on how the fish in the bucket was going and when we got back we tried our luck again off the pontoon while the full moon came up over the water and Ian Man's half moon shone as he bent over and removed everything unedible off our fish.  He then cooked it up with hamburgers and sausages for a magnificent reef and beef feast followed by some tarts and farts.  What a night.  Tomorrow we leave for Pretty Beach, Ulladulla.

Saturday 16 April 2011

Funky Cool Runnings

On our way up Thredbo again today, for the second attempt at the summit.  The weather was better but we were a little scared of what laid ahead after suffering early stages of hypothermia yesterday.  We enjoyed watching the mountain bikers fly down the mountain and imagined what we would be doing on our snowboards if there was snow.  Music festival at Thredbo today so we enjoyed the funky tunes as we went up the chair.  Then we smashed big Kosi, with Woodley and Arch going all the way (13km return) and Nathanial doing 8km return with Grandma and Pa- outstanding effort gentlemen.  As you can see from the photo on the summit, we had to peg Woodley down so he wouldn't fly off- fairly windy.  You can see Wooz looking wearily towards the summit and then he actually looks asleep on the rock!  He smashed down the pie and hot chocolate when we got back down then him and me took Arch on in the bobsled- we were faster then the Jamaicans.