Saturday 30 April 2011

The 3 Brothers Meet the 3 Sisters

As you can see the boys got quite intimate with the 3 sisters statues, but the rock formations were a little harder to come by.  The weather in Katoomba was pretty much non stop rain so the waterfalls were gushing but most of the time you could see nothing, so when there was a break in the cloud we rushed out there and embraced the beauty of the blue mountains.
 We went on the skyrail (in the background) which had a see through glass floor that was fogged up!
 The boys got to drive the cable car.
 But the boys favourite was definitely the railway, pretty vertical!
We did the walk down the 1000 steps and all the way around to the railway and Nathanial was on fire striding ahead with Arch and chatting to the walkers we passed that were doing the 100km wild endurance event.  Nathanial thought it was hilarious that one guy was saying he had forgotten his sandwich.  It starting raining and we had to walk through all the mud so we were happy to make it to the station.
We also got down to Jenolan Caves and did the Lucas Cave with Mr Squiggle below.
Kirst looks like she broke the Broken Column with her head.
Big E also wacked his head on Concussion Rock but had his cowboy hat on for protection. It was a tight squeeze through there.
 Arch enjoyed standing under the Great Arch.
And the other highlights were the boys entertaining us in the Rainforest Room.
The boys were meddling with their hairstyles.
And lots of piggy backing even in dangerous and as bear Grylls says "slippy" conditions.
Well we are off to Seal Rocks tomorrow to hopefully dry our stuff out and get wet again in the ocean.


  1. Hi there,

    We are enjoying reading about your adventure so far and the photos are great. We had a great time in Pambula - it only rained the night before we left. Looks like you have copped a bit of rain. We are all getting very excited now about hitting the road also. Chat soon. Shaz xx

  2. Hi gary , Kirst & guys, just now got to look at your blog. love the photos. I wanted to let you know that I haven't as yet started the patches. Been too ill. Hospital for 3 weeks & 2 weeks of radiotherapy.Very slowly picking up.Drove the car today 1st time in 8 weeks.Enough of me. I'm green with envy as your trip brings back memories of when Brian & I took off in our caravan back in 1965. Auntie June

  3. wow, just checked out your blog for first time, looks fantastic! i love coffs.....keep having a ball, luv kaz
