Sunday 21 August 2011

Going Hardcore

 From Karumba we ventured deep into the jaws of the crocodile heading to Adels Grove along the Savannah Way. We forgot to put the dust protector up, had a stop at the Burke and Wills Roadhouse for lunch, called in to Gregory Downs by 4pm and then engulfed the red dust from the passing road trains. When they pass we couldn't see anything for a few seconds which was scarey but there were also lots of bumps and holes, cattle grates and a big river crossing. We finally made it in around 5 and checked out the sights down by the river. It was find your own space surrounded by lots of beautiful trees, set up camp and went for a swim to freshen up.

 The water was warm and there was a pontoon, inflatable tyres and rope swings. We had no power for the first time so it was interesting to see how long the battery would last on the camper especially when the pump was running all the time for the filter.So we are in the real outback now and just relaxed the first and take it all in. Walked up to the lookout a couple of times to make some calls and wish Joanie Happy Birthday.

 The boys caught some Noddy head lizards and we collected some fire wood on the way back and went swimming. Still had plenty of fish to eat. The second day was Kirst's Birthday so we made breakie for her and went canoeing in the LawnHill Gorge.

 It was a lovely way for Kirst to spend her birthday and we had a freshie croc, a snake, turtles, archer fish and a green tree frog all wish her the very best. We got back to Adel just in time for lunch before it finished at 2 and had a nice lunch at the camp cafe and a tiny birthday cake. All the staff loved it!

 Then I gave Kirst a facial and Neil and Alicen arrived so we had a swim and a fire and cooked up the rest of the fish for everyone for dinner.The kids would have played all night. So the next day was time to get real hardcore. We filled up the water tanks, got petrol, cash out and put the dust protector up ( unfortunately the roof vent wasn't down properly though ). As we went out the first gates( you have to open and shut the gates behind you as you go through different peoples properties ) we ran into some Aboriginal guys who told us the short cut to Doomadgee and this leads us into five episodes of "The Halls Beached Az" which we wrote to make light of this drive which literally passed through Hells Gate. If you haven't seen Beached Az check it out on U Tube.
EPISODE 1: Leaving Adel's Grove at 9.30am
K: Hi Bro
G: Hi Bro
K: Have you put up the dust protector bro?
G: yes bro
K: Have you  put the clip down on the ball bro?
G: yes bro
K: Have you filled up with petrol bro?
G: Yes bro I've even got a bucket and a hose bro
K: There's roads going everywhere into the bush bro
G: I know bro but the black fella said this was a short cut bro
K; But there's no signs bro
G: I know this seems strange bro but I saw a wedge tail eagle bro and that's my good luck charm bro
K: I'm starting to hyperventilate bro I can't breathe bro
G: There's two big red kangaroos up here bro we'll ask them bro
G: Hi bro and bro, is this the way to Doomadgee bros?
Kangas: click click click
G: They said 40 more kms bro but it could be a bit rough
K: I feel sick bro
EPISODE 2 : Leaving Hells Gate (after making it into the Northern Territory and arriving as planned at 12.30 for a crappy lunch but what do you expect in the middle of no where?)
K: Hi bro
G: Hi bro
K: lots of bumps bro
G: yeah I know bro, lots of dips, river crossings, rocks and red dust bro
K: what about the corrugations bro?
G: you haven't got a grader handy bro? I need one asap
K: why don't you slow down bro? aren't you going a bit fast bro?
G; I know its a bit deceptive bro but I'm not enjoying this drive bro and I have another 300km of it bro
K: Shit Janice!
 EPISODE 3: Still going........................
K: That was a deep river crossing bro. what was that loud crack bro?
G: I don't know bro but it didn't sound good bro
K: want a chip bro?
G: I think we've got a flat tyre bro
K: Shit Janice!
G: Yep it's going down quicker than a ripe coconut bro
K: we have to unpack everything bro
G: I know bro it's going to take at least an hour bro
Person passing: Hi bro Do you need some help bro?
G: Do you have a compressor bro?
PP: yes bro but you should have your own bro
G: You asked me if I wanted help bro
PP: yes I know bro but you should have one bro
G: Just pump it up bro
K: Geez you're dirty now bro
G: I know that's just a figure of speech bro but the spare tyre is under the car bro
K: we won't make it to Borolloola bro but there's a free camping spot just up here by the river with big crocs in it bro
G: Shit Janice!

EPISODE 4 : Free Camping
K: the vent at the top  wasn't closed properly bro and the whole van is full of red dust. I'm really angry bro
G: I know it sounds strange bro but we just have to clean it up bro
K: It's a bit deceptive bro but I don't like cleaning bro
G: We will have to clean the boys too bro
K: Why bro?
G: Cause they're having a dust fight bro
K: I'm really,really upset now bro
G: It's exciting bro we can use our shower bro
K: are you naked out there bro?
G: No bro I'm covered with soap
K: sounds stupid bro but we've got no water left
G: it looks like it's an overflow bro as the pump tries to fill the filter bro half of the water is pouring out on the grass
K: I know it sounds deceptive bro but I'm having trouble dealing with this bro

 EPISODE 5 : The next morning........
Arch: Dad bro all our stuff you just chucked out on the grass  last night is wet az Dad bro
G: Can't be that wet bro just have some breakfast and let it dry off bro
G: I'm more worried about not having a spare tyre bro and we've got 100kms still to get to Borolloola and it's rough az and we've got no water bro
K: we won't get another flat bro
W:(as we we watch the last camper drive off) we've got another flat tyre Dad bro
G: this looks worse than our bush toilet bros
G: get me our bike pump asap I need to see if its is a slow leak bros
G:( after 500 pumps) I can't here a noise if we are lucky we might make it bros
Black fellas: need some help bro?
G: just pumping up my tyre bro slow leak bro and I've got no spare
BF: yeah we lost our jack bro see you at the rodeo bro
G: bye bro
Well we made it to Borolloola and luckily found an old bloke Terry originally from the Mallee who repaired both tyres for us for $60. I had to take them off and on though. Then we got some lunch and stopped off at the Lost City on the way to Cape Crawford(restarted taco by accident but we have done 12,200 kms up to then). Saw a big bird eating spider web.

 What a relief,bitumen roads again and a camp site with water and electricity.
Third big day at the wheel today and made it to Mataranka Homestead with a stop at Daly Waters Pub for lunch (barra burgers) where we got to see a bit of the Saints Vs Swans match.

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