Tuesday 30 August 2011

Going Soft

We've decided hardcore is not our best option now, and have been relaxing in Katherine.  Less is more! We got out of Mataranka pretty quick after Wooz's birthday was a bit of a fizzer.  We started strong with Wooz and I going up to the shops to get some supplies while the boys made him a great card.  Came back and made bacon and eggs then went canoeing.
 Couldn't go far though as both ends of the river were blocked by all the rubbish that washes down in the wet season.  But we did see a freshy!
 Then we went in to watch "We of the Never Never" at the homestead and Wooz was soon bored out of his brains to Kirst's disappointment.  So we went back to the van and did the birthday cake thing with a jam log roll cake and relightable candles and sparklers, and forgot to get a photo (whoops).  Then we had a swim at the thermal pools which the boys loved because they were nice and warm.
Wooz had got a few lures for his birthday so was keen to catch a barra so we headed off to Stevie's Hole for a swim on the way to 4mile fishing hole on the Roper River.
 Had a great swim at the hole fighting the current then realized it was too far to walk with all the fishing stuff to 4mile.
 So we walked back and got the bikes and tried again only to get halfway and the track was closed.  The boys were getting pretty angry by now because it was getting late and they wanted to fish godamnit.  Kirst was wanting to just fish wherever, not feeling the importance of catching a barra on Wooz's birthday. But I had my determined look on so we went back and got the car and drove the long way around and had about 30mins before dark.  Kirst was worried because there was a croc cage oppposite where we were fishing so there was slight bit of tension in the air (in the space where there were no mossies) and it only resulted in yelling at each other, getting no bites and Wooz snagging and losing his best lure.
 Oh well shit happens, so we drove back and had a big birthday dinner of sausage in bread.  Wooz had requested Chinese with banana fritters but had to wait til we got to Katherine for that.  So we packed up the next morning in very windy conditions and dust flying everywhere and even a big fruit fell out of a high tree and donged Wooz on the head.  Just a glancing blow luckily but we were happy to get in the car and head off with the start of the 5th Harry Potter which I had downloaded the night before.  The fruit came out of the big tree on the right!
 As you could imagine it was a relief getting into Katherine and relaxing in some civilization again. We pulled up and went to the info, did a big shop and had some lunch in the park.  There we ran into a family from Glen Waverley with 6 kids who they home schooled and were traveling in a tarago towing a tiny camper, absolutely legendary effort.  So we chose the Big 4 to stay at because it was huge and had lots of space and grass and not too much dust.  It is funny how that made us more fussy to find the best spot and it took us about an hour to get positioned, to even start setting up.  Which made it even more amazing when Woodley noticed we were camped next to Paul and Karen and their friends Barry, Maggie, Daniel and Jodie who were visiting from England.
 When they got back from their day out it was hugs all round and lots of laughs and a few bourbons ofcourse and it was sad to see them off in the morning.  We had hit the Chinese for dinner that night which was good food, but they were overwhelmingly busy with takeaways, and took about 90mins to get any food and they didn't have any dessert.
So Wooz's birthday dinner spread into the 3rd night when we had a go at making banana fritters with maple syrup and icecream which would've have won masterchef they tasted sooo good-bang.  Anyways we arrived in Katherine on the 23rd and are leaving tomorrow on the 29th.  It has been very relaxing, warm and there is plenty to do here.  We did do the worst tour on tour last night though after going to Springvale Homestead which has a really interesting history for the afternoon tour, which was done by a guy who had less then zero personality, was filling in and didn't want to be there.

 Then the devonshire tea was nuc the scones, put fake cream on them and make your own cuppa.  When we came back to the pool we heard that the guy that normally takes the night croc tour was the guy who rolled his car last night pissed and speeding (great effort) and they didn't know who would be taking it- and it was going from Springvale Homestead where we'd had a riveting arvo.  I resisted Kirst's effort to cancel and we rolled up to comedy capers as we went down the river to a little spot where they couldn't moor properly had a very quick barbee, they couldn't get the croc to come up and then couldn't really see any on the way back.  Nathanial lost his second tooth though!

 It finished an hour early and we ended up teasing Werner who was trying his best to give us a decent tour but the only fun thing was really feeding the turtles.  Personally I would've been happier feeding the chickens.  Then we found out we missed a motorbike and bmx show at the showgrounds.  Godamnit!  We did get to see the rodeo the night before though which was pretty crazy with a few decent injuries to the cowboys, getting launched, run over and the occasional goring.  Pretty dusty too.

The boys were keen to have a go in the boxing tent too!  We have used this week to catch up on stuff that needed to be done too- clean the car and camper, clean up and start to repair the boards, get 2 new tyres, get some supplies, replace gas bottles etc.  I had to get the car looked at too after doing a little bit of damage on the bloke next to us' tow bar returning from Chinese in the dark.  Bit of a bang which got them out of their caravan pretty quick.  The other things we have done were: the 4 gorge tour in Katherine gorge which was good,

 I thought the 2nd gorge was by far the best, and we also saw a whole lot of bats in the trees but no balls;
 we had a look at the School of the Air which didn't fire the boys up to do any school work;
 we had an afternoon at Edith falls which was beautiful especially up the top part and we saw a water snake and tried to catch some little frogs, the boys caught some ta ta lizards too;

 we had a nice ride down to the hot springs and a float which was very relaxing and the boys had a skate at the skatepark

 and a good go in the massive playground and many swims in the pool racing a nice bloke called Jeff and playing with 3 English sister's and tonight we are having a barbee with Kieran, Helena and the girls followed by a big grudge soccer match.  Bring it on.
We ended up not having the soccer match because we are going soft now and it got too dark, but we had a fun night and a big feed.  Then we packed up in the morning and headed for Kakadu.

We had a couple of stops along the way to Cooinda, where we are staying, to a lookout and to a secret rock pool and waterfall where there were butterflies and dragonflies everywhere.  It seemed a bit like Eden so we thought it was appropriate to have a skinny dip.

So the first day staying at Cooinda Lodge Park has been very relaxing, by the pool for a bit, a short ride to the culture centre which was great, and the boys have become professional lizard catches.  It is nice and hot which we are loving and have a couple of fun tours booked in for the next couple of days.
We are learning from the geckos, they are soft too!

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